Pielęgnacja włosów Bumble and bumble

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Seaweed Air Dry Cream - Krem
Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble prep (250ml)
Bumble and bumble
Blonde Shampoo - Szampon do włosów blond
Bumble and bumble
Hairdressers shampoo (250ml) Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble straight blow dry (150ml)
Bumble and bumble
Hairdressers shampoo (60ml) Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble
Thickening dryspun (150 ml) Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble Thickening Spray (60ml)
Bumble and bumble
Styling creme (250ml) Bumble and bumble
Bumble and bumble
Surf Infusion - Spray do włosów
Bumble and bumble